Complete 30-Day Candida + Worms Be Gone Combo
Complete 30-Day Candida + Worms Be Gone Combo
Our Complete Cleanse Kit includes: Worms Be Gone (x1), Candida Be Gone (x1), Diatomaceous Earth Silica (x1), Probiotic (x1) + Enema Bag
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••WORMS BE GONE • PARASITE DEWORMER
Just as we deworms our dogs, cats & horses — we need to deworm ourselves yearly, for optimal health. The latest medical studies show that an estimated 85% of the North American population has at least 1 or more parasites living in their bodies. Extensive travel, lowered immunity, and food & water contamination increases this epidemic. Some protozoa are found in the bowel, causing general ill health. Many go on to penetrate vital organs such as the colon, brain, & liver.
Search YouTube for "Tape Worm Colonoscopy" • "Pinworm" • "Round Worm" • "Brain Worm" • "Worm in bodybuilder" to see examples and educate yourself on how to take action & protect yourself & your family. In countries like Mexico, parasite cleanses are sold on every corner and are a natural part of yearly detoxifying protocols.
Our Worms Be Gone aids the eviction process!
- Burning sensation in body
- Grinding teeth while asleep
- Constant hunger & cravings
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Dizziness when standing
- Low energy
- Floaters in eyes
- Itchy inner ear / itchy butt
- Bloated Belly
- Stomach pain
- Headaches
- Weight loss or gain
- Take 2 capsules with 12oz water & 1 scoop of our Diatomaceous Earth Silica, 2x a day for 30 days.
- Take 7 days off, then repeat another 30-day round to help eliminate the eggs once they hatch.
- OPTION 2: Take 10 days on, 10 days off.
Are you tired of craving carbs & sugar all day long? Are you feeling fatigued & bloated, and don't know why?
So many of us have suffered from these symptoms, trying everything from over-the-counter supplements to trendy vitamins, with little to no relief. Our Candida cleanse is an easy solution — just take 2 capsules with each meal, and you'll notice less cravings, less bloating, and better digestion in no time. Most experience relief within 10 days of starting the cleanse.
The good news is, cravings are not a mental addiction that we need to fight with willpower. Cravings are due to a Candida overgrowth of mold, yeast and fungus — research proves that parasites are feeding on the Candida.
If you suffer from cravings for carbs & sugars or an addiction to unhealthy junk foods, Candida Be Gone is sure to put you on the path to better gut health.
What is Candida?Candida is a yeast-like fungal organism found in the intestinal tract. Modern lifestyles can throw off our natural balance ~ and these candida toxins slowly poison us in varied ways, depending on lifestyle choices & the body's immune system. When you take Candida Be Gone, the excessive mold, yeast & fungus is stripped away.
- Suffer from IBS
- Have skin conditions like acne
- Are addicted to bread, sugar, soda, chips, cakes, cookies, etc
- Feel gassy & bloated after meals
- Experience brain fog
Take 2 capsules with each meal for 20-60 days. Most people notice results within the first 20 days.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••DIATOMACEOUS EARTH SILICA
Diatomaceous Earth is great for the whole family. It helps to eliminate roundworms, whipworms, pinworms, and hookworms.
Diatomaceous Earth is a type of sedimentary rock composed of tiny fossilized organisms called diatoms that have been crushed into a powdered form. Diatoms are unicellular organisms that were once food for marine organisms, but when they die and fossilize, their silica shells form diatomaceous earth. When taken internally, the crushed diatoms are sharp like cylinders that pass through the intestinal track creating almost a scrubbing effect. After a few months of use, studies show the intestinal walls were no longer coated with mucus and molds, but that they were clean.
A small amount of Diatomaceous earth gets absorbed into the blood stream as silica. In today's grains, there is actually a shortage of silica because of the hybrid seeds that are used and depleted soil conditions. Benefits from silica may include: helping to destroy bad fats, lowering cholesterol, helping sore joints and ligaments, acne and skin problems, stronger hair and nails, stronger teeth and gums, healthier respiratory tract and less menopause symptoms.
How To Get Rid Of Parasite with Colon Cleansing
One way we can help eliminate parasites is through Colonics or Colon hydrotherapy . This is when a colon therapist flushes your colon with purified water. Colon hydrotherapy helps eliminate constipation and remove fecal matter clogging up your colon. Intestinal parasites can be eliminated using our Worms Be Gone. Parasites can live inside the excess waste and colon hydrotherapy can flush this away.
For those who don't want to try colon hydrotherapy you can do enemas at home or use a colon cleanse with your parasite cleanse. We sell enema kits in our 30 or 60 day cleanses. Start with our Worms Be Gone and begin to flush out all those parasites.
Please note: We do not offer refunds on products or services purchased. Please be clear on what you are purchasing.