Yes! We follow strict FDA guidelines here at LoveMyColon Urban Detox to ensure your safety & the best sterile clean colonic's.
We use top of the line FDA approved equipment. We use FDA certified Open Libby Colonic Units. We use only FDA certified rectal nozzles, speculums, cleaners, filters. We also perform Closed Colon Hydrotherapy using Specialty Health Closed Colon Hydrotherapy units as well as Aqua Cleanse Colon Hydrotherapy units.
People choose colonics because they want to stay healthy or are having issues with elimination, some just want to see what all the hype is about. Constipation, allergies, skin problems, headaches, weight gain or weight loss, bloating, gas, body odor are all issues typically related to the years of built up waste accumulated in the colon. The digestive system may be in a state of toxic overload & a Clean Colon is a great place to start.
No, they do not hurt. You should not feel pain during your session. Some clients may feel some discomfort from gas or cramping when the water is entering the body. If the colonic is painful or uncomfortable stop the session. Listen to your body. You may experience cramping which can be uncomfortable. If this happens, you can turn the water off, take nozzle out and allow your body to release naturally. You can go to the restroom and resume your session after cramping has subsided.
There are many factors that go into how much comes out during your first session. Dehydration and a low fiber diet may result in less being expelled during the first session, but during that session your colon is "soaked" and hydrated, which may lead to future successful sessions.
Yes, that is no problem at all. If you use tampons, you don't need one during open colonic sessions.
After the colonic, it may takes less than 36 hours to restore normal bacteria population. Because of the colonic, friendly bacteria can multiply much more easily in the digestive track lending itself to a happy, healthy you. If more healthy bacteria is needed, pick up a bottle of our Bioptimizers Probiotic P3-Om for a healthier gut.